Sunday, 1 August 2010

New York and a 'little' wedding

Manhattan truly is an Isle of Joy darlings. It was that good for Ella Fitzgerald so it's good enough for me too. I'm back in our apartment which overlooks Central Park. I got back from elsewhere in the state earlier today as I went to a little wedding yesterday sweetie. A bit of a famous wedding actually, nudge, nudge, wink, wink. I never name drop darlings so I can't tell you any more. But Chelsea did look absolutely gorgeous.

On Friday I decided to have a family day out in Manhattan. I took the nannies and the children shopping and then we had a stroll in Central Park. While I browsed the shoes in Saks an unpleasant odour filled the air. Gabriel was the first suspect so without a thought London nanny picked him and sniffed his bum. I shrieked in horror, "We're in Saks, Fifth Avenue, darling! You don't just pick up a toddler and sniff its arse!" I told her what an embarrassing disgrace she was and sent her off to change him. I had to comfort myself with a gorgeous pair of Jimmy Choos.

In the afternoon we had our Central Park stroll. All went smoothly until Gabriel ran off after some smelly mongrel dog. New York nanny gave chase only to twist her ankle and roll about wailing on the grass. Can you believe I had to half-carry half-drag New York nanny back to our apartment? More embarrassment. I even bumped into one of my extremely wealthy neighbours Dolores J Bruebaker (you may have heard of her) on the way. The shame. I don't expect any of this happens to Victoria Beckham.

But yesterday more than made up for Friday's stress. I do love a good wedding, it made me wonder if Rock Star and I should tie the knot after all.


  1. A trip to tiffany's to drop some hints may be in order?!

  2. That's a wonderful idea Motherfunster! Some ENORMOUS hints are going to be dropped. Mummy Mishaps - are you lolling at my embarrassment darling?


Comments are beautiful things sweetie