Monday, 12 July 2010

The Gallery - can you tell what it is?

I've been reading some blogs and have discovered some fabulous ones out there. Some of them are even written by real mums. And one or two of these mums don't appear to have nannies or helpers. How do they find the time? I hardly find the time with people helping me out. Although I do spend a lot of time having to manage the people who supposedly help.

There's a gorgeous blog called Sticky Fingers which runs something called The Gallery where you put a photo on your blog and do some linking thing. I take it Sticky Fingers is something to do with the Rolling Stones? I must discuss this with the blogger who writes it, Jerry Hall and Jo Wood are such wonderful friends of mine.

Anyway the theme of The Gallery this week is Can You Tell What It Is Yet? Inspired by Rolf Harris. I once met him at an awards ceremony, I pride myself on my rendition of Two Little Boys but he didn't seem to like it. Mind you, it was the rude version which I made up with Graham Norton one evening. Maybe Rolf doesn't like his songs being bastardised?

Anyway, in my best breathy, bearded Aussie accent: "Can you tell what it is yet?"

So what do I do now? Do I tell you what it is darling or does it stay a secret?


  1. Louboutin, Louboutin, Louboutin!! (Sorry I have shoe tourettes syndrome!) x

  2. Mummy Mishaps - correct darling!
    SusanKMann - and you too sweetie!

    It's two red shoes

    FortyNotOut - and a bonus point darling for getting the label right!

  3. Def a red shoe and it is a beauty too.

  4. Gosh aren't they erotic! So shiny and mmmmmmmm

  5. oooh pretty! can we see a pic of the full shoe? I'm not as educated as FortyNotOut!

  6. oooh pretty shoes - drools....

  7. Oh, lovely red shoes. I love shoooooes ;)

  8. Hey, no fair - I am on the west coast of Canada, 8 hours behind everyone else and everyone has already guessed all the right answers!!! I guess next time I will have to get up at 2am!

  9. I'm guessing lovely shiny, red high the heck do you walk in them?

  10. ah the comments have given it away now! but they look like a killer pair of shoes :)

  11. Lovely shoes aren't they darlings? MrsShilts - they're so easy to walk in you wouldn't believe. In fact I find flats harder!

    Don't Bug Me - it's unfair isn't it? I'd get up especially early next time as you don't know what you're missing!

  12. It's a beautiful, gorgeous, sexy pair of shoes...I'm trying not to drool...! :D


Comments are beautiful things sweetie