This time I'm going to talk about the supermarket. But before I start I have a confession to make darlings. I never go to the supermarket. However, I believe I'm able to tap into the minds of ordinary mums with such empathy that I can still provide good advice on how to tackle the supermarket. And reading this, gorgeous mums, I'm sure you'll agree.
My first rule for visiting the supermarket is: don't take the children. Leave them with the nanny. It's just not worth the headache trying to take the children with you. They get bored and hassle you to buy things. They cramp your style.
I believe life is a catwalk sweetie and this means you need to look good even in the supermarket. You never know who might be there or when your photo might be taken. A well chosen outfit makes all the difference, you don't want to look like you actually work there do you darling?
Just as you need to look good, your basket or trolley also needs to look good. Buy quality brands, choose your cheese, coffee and wine very carefully. Your goods need to have some refinement and show some degree of selection and class. This can be learnt darlings, believe me. My Dad worked in a chip factory but I worked my way up.
You may be wondering where I buy my consumables. Well I have a gorgeous organic hamper delivered to me every Tuesday and I pick up my store cupboard items in Fortnum & Mason. Actually my PA usually picks those up but I will do it occasionally. I believe I need to maintain some connection with the food I eat and where it's from.
That's all for now my beautiful people. I hope you found my tips useful busy mums! More from me soon. Mwah xx
Photo credit: are supermarkets seriously as depressing as this picture?