Thursday, 8 July 2010

Problems with the night nanny

Okay so we have a problem with the night nanny. She keeps falling asleep. We employed her to get up with Tulip when wakes in the night. I can't do it myself, if I sleep badly things gets MESSY let me tell you.

Anyway last night we were woken up by Tulip crying at 3.30am. I expected the night nanny to see to her but the crying went on. So I had to get up and walk down the corridor myself. Night nanny's door was shut so I had to go and get Tulip from her cot and I hammered on night nanny's door like you wouldn't believe. So eventually she opened it and and I'm like, "Darling, did you not hear the baby?" I thrust Tulip into her arms and stormed off. I didn't back to sleep until 4am, it was horrendous.

I was not a happy bunny this morning. It took three cups of espresso to wake me up and even then I had to go back to bed mid-morning. I have a photo shoot tomorrow and I do not want massive great bags under my eyes again. No siree.

So the night nanny has one last chance, if she falls asleep again tonight and Tulip wakes up there can only be one course of action.

Meanwhile I soooooo want these shoes, they're delish.

1 comment:

  1. I am told by one of my American friends that night nannies are sometimes referred to as a "ninny" - what a terribly amusing name for such a seriously required service!


Comments are beautiful things sweetie